For me, one of the most telling facts, that shows that London is but is no longer the London that it was, is something that occurred after the London rail and bus bombings.
Thousands of Londoners who usually commuted, walked out of the City/commercial centres. From all reports, these people were determined to show that the cheerful, resilient nature of Londoners had not changed, since the Blitz.
However, other attitudes had changed. As the tired thirsty people were to discover. There were a number of hotels and shops along the way who capitalised on the disaster by putting up the prices of drinks.
This is, I suppose, a small thing compared with the ghastly statistics of teenagers knifing each other. But that such a thing should happen in the London that I love is almost beyond my comprehension. It shows a callousness, a greed, a lack of human kindness. Not in the depraved, or in the deprived. But in the ordinary, supposedly-decent "shopkeepers" who epitomise the English.